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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Plain White Rice

I have come across quite a few people who dread to cook rice .The reason being that they are either afraid they will overcook it or undercook it!
I have here the easiest method to cook white rice ( basmati,long grain, thai or any other variety of polished i.e; white rice )

1. Rice 1 cup
2. water 2 cups
3. A pinch of salt

1. Wash rice thoroughly.

2. In a thick bottomed pan (or preferably a non-stick pan) , add 2 cups of water and the rice with a pinch of salt.

3. On a high heat,bring to a boil.

4. When the water starts to boil,cover the pan with a lid,reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 15 minutes or until all
the water gets absorbed. ( Of course you can open the lid and check!)

5. Turn the heat off and let the pan sit covered for further 10 minutes before serving.

The thumb rule is 1 cup rice: 2 cups water

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